Sunday, December 20, 2015

As To Feed Upon Jesus, The Bread Of Life

     Je suis ( Am, We are) Jesus Christ, "my blessing out of all of this, is that my family died in Jesus," a testament of a wife, a voice of the martyr, whose husband, teen son, and teen daughter of European origin., were martyred in Afghanistan according to their faith of Jesus Christ. This out reached Pastor had become famous for saying, "you gonna die, why not die for Jesus Christ? "He that lose his life for my sake shall gain it forever more, for I will raise him up on the last day," Jesus, that day my siblings in Christ, hath come. Apb, 

 Prophecy Link

-Seen To Be In A Dream were I receive text message, after text message, after many alike messages stating the same thing, “Jesus is coming, Jesus is on his way!” 02/17/2015

-Seen to be seeing the rise of the anti-Christ, as so a play on, with a large meteor like rock released to descend, when a voice declared: This is the anti-Christ (NWO, Elite, Wealth Of The Wicked), murderer, the compete destruction of King Nebuchadnezzar's Image of emerging nations by a stone cut out without hands falling from heaven on the map, Dan. 2:3-49, 02/14/2015

-Seen to be seeing a ferocious beast filled with their swallow, tearing through, chomping and eating it's way from the pulpit to the pews, a beast in the assembly of great apostasy (false churches), on the map 05/11/2014.

-A Voice Declaring: "A Catastrophe On The earth," the end of crystal skies mightily on the map 05/11/2014, 11/18/2015,

     Jesus, the Bread Of Life, Sup With John, About An Apostate Church,  Rev. 3:20   

     Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: (presents Christ outside the church) if any man hear my voice, (so much religious racket going on that it’s difficult to “hear His Voice”), {even the prophet Jeremiah forewarn of a spirit of jealousy waiting at the door, welcoming the people in, with James describing them more the spirits of envy and strife, confusion and every evil work, with my husband shown how it was inundated with demonic forms of sexual abnormalities, with this apostle forewarn to tell them to come out, and lately geared toward all leaders, the sunlight of God, lamenting, 2015, “let my people go,” by way of biblical prophecy fulfilling, the marriage supper of the Lamb hath made itself ready, the spirit and bride, saith come}and open the door, (Christ is the true door, which mean churches have erected another door) {in a dream most recently, made to house with Catholic Nuns, where borrowing one of their bibles to read, soon to learn holy scripture were plastered over with store ads, until you couldn’t see the biblical words, this immense distraction, Apb}I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with me.(having been rejected, our Lord now appeals to individuals, and he is still doing so presently, JSM) {Its literally impossible to persuade American Church people they’re not favored by God despite insurmountable sins they’re in, which is why they’ve extracted so many of these religious buildings, by which to worship him, instead being of their father, Satan.  I tell you, it’s like in the days of Ezekiel, he warning of a fiercely approaching enemy, how many would die, many taken, but they just couldn’t hear what he was saying, just about building bigger churches, regardless that they’d lost its Savior, and thus a firm foundation unto eternity.  See Also Rev. 2-3 chapters,

Jesus, the Bread Of Life, Sup with Lazarus, New Birth, New Heart, New Creature, Born Again, John 3:3-5

     3 Jesus answered and said unto him, (presents an answer totally different from that which he expected), verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be  born again (the term “born again,” means that man has already had a natural birth, {see first Adam now by the Spirit through the woman, made a New Adam, Jesus} (but now must have a spiritual birth, which come by faith in Christ, and what he has done at the Cross, and is available to all), {the last I was reading about men, living above sin, Rom. 6th, I Jn. 3rd, Chpt, I witness a recess in scripture, with red letters appearing instead and it said, and I quote, “man can’t do this, only the Holy Spirit can do this,” this is what Jesus is explaining to an inquiring religious leader, Nicodemus.  He cannot see the Kingdom of God (actually means that without the New Birth, one cannot understand or comprehend the “Kingdom of God.”) {A blessing or a near miss, sweet to bitter, the Holy Spirit just out right saying, “don’t you think God know the exact number of the resurrected saints returning with Jesus?” 2015}

4. Nicodemus said unto him. How can a man be born when he is old?(This proclaims this spiritual leader having no knowledge whatsoever of what Jesus is saying {so how can he teach? I am most alarmed that most people in pulpits especially men, are there as favors are loan to them, most of them diseased with sin, standing before God’s people pretending, and don’t fear or regard that God even see them, which would explain a vicious beast, 2014, stomping and tearing right through them, Apb} can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb and be born? (It seems he did not know the language of the Prophets concerning circumcision of the heart, {Deut. 30:6, Jer.4:4}, and concerning a hard heart and a right spirit {Ps. 51:10, Ezek. 36:26-27, JSM) {As I’ve testified, behind one of the three time tested doors Ezekiel showed me in heaven, seeing this brightness like the sun, become as a hand, for to reach into the very chest of the multitude before his throne, to remove their hearts of stone, I saw as these old hearts bore his hand and as new ones, hearts of God/Jesus, were instead fixed and fitted into them. Apb}.

5. Jesus answered, verily, verily I say unto you, Except a man be born of water and of the spirit (the phrase “born of water,” speaks of the natural birth, (i.e. water baptism is only it’s demonstration, Apb), which Jesus says in the next verse, and pertains to a baby being born,  “Born of the Spirit,” speaks of Spiritual Birth, which is brought about by God alone; and neither does it speak of water Baptism), {Not water Baptism as a means of salvation, only to demonstrate a person being washed from old to new, after one belief in Jesus. This is what Holy Spirit meant, writing in the midst of Holy Scripture, how with man this is impossible, there must be his surrender to Holy Spirits working. Jesus being born the second Adam was also hear explaining what’d happen to Him, a Divine Seed of a Holy Spirit and a specific woman’s womb now married at delivering him, mankind blood Savior.
     Now,  all mankind who believe, could now be reborn as surely as He, now restored unto God one new man, a Second Adam, thus Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the Spirit and Bride saith come}, he cannot enter into the kingdom Of God. {This is why Jesus taught us to love our enemies, demonstrating this as he cried, prayed from the cross, even our scares, martyrdom,  (see, as all souls are to be lead to Jesus as Christ, Apb}, see, read more here St. Jn. 3:1-13,  

Jesus, the Bread of life, Sup with the Samaritan Woman New Way  In Spirit and Truth worship. No more organized Religion, John 2:19-24

19. The woman said unto him, sir I perceive you are a Prophet (had to do with the belief of the Samaritans and their interpretation of Whom the Messiah would be).

20. Our father’s worshipped in this mountain (speaks of Mount Gerizim, which was about fifty miles north of Jerusalem, in a sense, they worshipped “this mountain,”); {the majority of the world, especially westernize civilization worship the American Dream as God, with Him, His Righteous Judgment targeting it for destruction even as I write, 190 months, that’s 2001-2017, Apb}, and You say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship (she admitted that Jesus fit the profile of the Great Prophet who would come as Moses had predicted, but she was perplexed because He was a Jew and worshipped in Jerusalem, which the Samaritans believed were false). {I’ve been ministering for thirty years next spring, how Holy Spirit showed me a live mirror vision, of God’s throne, with it back to it, all. Just as soon I heard the Holy Spirit explain, how God had turn his back to the church. That’s unto a few years later, behold this noted from my prayer closet, silence in heaven, and a weeping sorely God, crying "his people were dying, being stripped of everything Jesus Christ." Now unto the most astonishing lament of all, as one whose to stand before a mountain, from which a brightness like the sun did emerge and did speak, and I quote, “Let My People Go!” 06/17/2002, Apb}.

21. Jesus said unto her, woman, believe me (He is telling her to hear carefully what he is saying and believe it) {I’m reminded of Jesus inquiring of a weeping Mary Magdalene, “woman, why weepiest thou?” Then entrusted her with the most important of all time message, the Son, Christ, Savior, Rise. I want to remind others, how Jesus talking to this woman of Samaria was forbidden, thus I’m reminded of Mary anointing his feet with oil and her own hair and commissioning those complaining not to trouble the woman, to leave her alone, come to set the captives free, He is Christ over all, Apb}, the hour comes, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet in Jerusalem, worship the father (Calvary which did away with the entire Jewish system, would introduce a new way of worship. {Which would explain the religious leaders being so angry, even deadly, Apb}

22. You worship you know not what (He minced no words, telling her plainly that the Samaritans worship held no validity with God, regrettably it is the same with much presently) {“These people need to fall in love with God,” what Holy Spirit, said 2013, about all mass religious assembly. “Self, need to be pound into the dirt like a seed, Holy Spirit, 2015, Apb}, we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews, (meaning that  through the Jewish people, came the word of God, and, as well, the Son of God, Who Alone, brought salvation, and did so by going to the Cross.).

23 But the hour come and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship God in Spirit and in Truth, (God is not looking for Holy Worship, He’s looking for Holy Worshippers; as stated, Calvary would make possible an entirely different type of worship, which did not require ceremonies or rituals) {pretty much what  the church world has become, adorn beautifully outwardly but inwardly of dead men’s bones, though, "can these bones live!" God ask Ezekiel, Apb} for the father seeketh such to worship Him, (means that word seeketh, such are not easily found, JSM). {Hence Jesus explanation of the strait and narrow way, the only one leading to him, see Mat. 7:14., I prayed just yesterday, that since my heart’s desire has been realized, that God now get His, to dwell on the earth, so that he can again, abide with and walk with man, and just as soon I was reminded of the Lord’s Prayer, see Mat. 6:9-13, Apb} 

24. God is a Spirit (simply mean that God is a “Spirit Being) and they who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth. (man worship the lord by and through his personal spirit, which is moved upon by the Holy Spirit; otherwise it is not worship which God will accept, JSM) {see Christ’s Cross, Simon Peter, Paul, The Apostle and the Church Age Saints/Bride, the four impenetrable nails, the rock of salvation regarding Satan’s Seat, regarding mass religion, all put away for the restoration of mankind, see Jesus, Apb)

The Resurrected Jesus, Bread of Life, Sup with the Disciple/Apostle Peter, New love, Direction, Feed My Sheep, Die! Jn. 21:15-16

15 So, when they had dined, Jesus said to Simeon Peter, Son of Jonah, do you love me more than these? (This question is referring to Peter’s boast immediately before the Crucifixion that He loved Jesus more than the other disciples {Mat. 26:31-35; Mk. 14-29}.) He said unto him, yes Lord you know that I  love you, (Jesus used the Greek word, “Agapao” for love that man Ardent, Supreme,  and Perfect”), {A love meaning your mind, heart, soul, thus your outreach is all stayed upon Him, Jesus, though many in assembly say they do, love Jesus and boy can they boast and sing, only to go on every day and do nothing Christ’s righteousness say, so instead they worship that O devil, Satan, Apb} (while Peter used the Greek word  “Phileo,” which mean to be fond of, to feel friendship for another), {It’s also questioning him whether he love Jesus more than life itself, Peter denied Jesus three times because he feared for his life. Holy spirit moved me recently to assure Christian, if they don’t place all that is life, love and treasured into God’s trust, in other words, setting it all in heaven, where Christ sit on the throne, then Satan’s will purposely use it all against these supposedly laborers, if it’s not of Christ Jesus, get rid of it, I beseech thee! Apb} And he saith unto him, Feed My Lambs (refers to the newest converts, which need special attention, and who will be entrusted to Peter).

16. He said to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me? The question  presents Jesus leaving off the words, “more than these,” however he does continue to use the strong Greek word “Apapao,” for love; by leaving off these words, Jesus draws Peter off from a boastful attitude. ) {Don’t people giving these mighty testimonies sometimes wonder into boastful attitudes and vain glory? Supposedly breakthroughs and blessings of which the God of heaven didn't have anything to do with? Apb}, He said unto him, yes Lord, you know that I love you, (presents Peter still using the Greek word Phileo, for love, as he did the first time; this is not a negative, but rather a positive; he is finally seeing that he cannot trust the flesh). He said unto him, Feed My Sheep (By Christ using the word ”sheep,” He is now speaking of strong, mature, Believers). {I described earlier, how Holy Spirits just outright said, “the flesh need to be pound into the dirt, like a seed,” unclear at first, was I reminded of Jesus explaining, describing his own death and resurrection, "how a grain of wheat, only if it goes into the earth and dies, can it then produce a great harvest., see Jn. 12:24, thus dying for Christ, to be risen as Christ, Gal. 2:20, Apb}

The Glorified Jesus, Bread Of Life Immortal and Saul Of Taurus, The Right Cross To Bear

3. As he journeyed he came near Damascus (approximately 175 miles from Jerusalem) and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven, (proclaims the appearance of Christ in His Glory) {those who describe God, as this sunlight in all of its strength has for certainty got a true glimpse of Him, the emphasis is on glimpse. This is why I describe the three door revealed to me of Ezekiel as time tested, I was only allowed a glimpse, and only for a few seconds. There was a brightness there that could’ve consumed but wasn’t consuming as mercy and grace bore Him first. Secondly was this blood to bone reaching gladness, just spiraling all over me and through which followed each of these doors closing. A fondness and celebration incomprehensible, now I know, why when I was young, I had so much trouble with my eyes. So much so I had to make weekly visits, then what could’ve been blindness just lift off of me., Apb}

4 And he felled to the earth (implies that the power of God knocked him down), and heard a voice say to him, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? (To touch one who belong to the Lord in a negative way, is to touch the Lord!)

5 And he said, who are you Lord? (Paul uses this in the realm of Deity, not merely as respect as some hath claimed) After the person convincing me to Christ for months, quoted Psalm 66:18 to me, I knew I’d done something horribly wrong, that I’d grieved Holy Spirits, just think I’d not as yet even knew them, now I know I did, Apb}, And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutes (presents the Lord using the name that Paul hated); it is hard for thee to  kick against the pricks (has reference to sharp goads, which were placed immediately behind the Oxen and were attached to the plow; to kick against it, would cause sharp pain). {This would be demons spirits describing my husband Melvin Neal as being of no true worth to me, having broken knees, meaning sorely, even ridiculously unrepentant, Apb}

15. And the lord saith unto me, (Ananias), go your way, (presents an urgency when demands immediate obedience by Ananias) for he is a chosen vessel unto me (it means, “Divine Selection”), to bear my name before the gentiles, and kings and the children of Israel (“Gentiles” are placed first); that was Paul’s principle calling);

16. For I will show him, what great things he must suffer for my name sake (this is altogether different from much of the modern Gospel, which, in fact is no Gospel at all!)

    {All bear a cross they’re born to, but who are we bearing it for? Jesus explain the importance of Paul’s conversation, by describing how he, Paul would bear great suffering for him. Sincerely we’re admonished from the beginning to deny self, (impossible), pick up our own crosses and follow Him, as He’s to demonstrate what we’re to do with them. I like the Apostle Paul, through epileptic seizures, a result of a childhood head trauma, right unto my eventual conversion.

     Just as so like him, I couldn’t be healed by God, only now made to realize my infirmities like his, being a result of my conversion, it could no more be undone, than said conversion could be rewind, as the gifts of God are without repentance. This is why I barter to bargain with God, to just take my life, arrive me to heaven, and this could be seen as a form of healing, even to come close to a seizure, is to suffer like unto a near death horror and this torture, several times a day, sorry to say, I’m still waiting, pray, Apb]. 

17.  And Ananias went his way, and entered into his house (He obeyed the command of the Lord) and putting his hand on him (on Paul) said, Brother Paul, (he addressed Paul in the manner because Paul was already saved, and had been so for the last three days and nights) {Surely creating Jesus of the Women Seed, with the Holy Spirit alone, in other words, this stone made without hand was a Genesis move of God. Though a resurrected, glorified Jesus, to steal all of the religious leaders thunder so speak. That's by converting one of their own, the strictest of the laws, of the Pharisee's Saul.
     Into the one thing they despise the most. Even the mention of his name made them cringe, pain within their bones, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, as Father Swaggart hath said, what a Mighty God we serve, Apb} The Lord even Jesus, Who appeared unto you in the way in which you came, hath sent me that you might receive your sight, and be filled with the Holy Spirit, (this proclaim one is not filled with the Holy Spirit at conversion, as many teach, in fact the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a separate work of Grace, which take place after conversion {Acts 2:4; 8:14-17; 19:1-7}). {Something so amazing happen recently Father Swaggart, that while I prayed the sinner’s prayer with you, doing one of your old camp meeting service, as you spoke in English, I repeated after you, but in an unknown language, as you spoke, I spoke, when you paused I paused, completely through the prayer, when you finished, I finished, I’d never done that before, it was so amazing, Apb.}

Apostles Note:

     This end time Apostle/Prophet, with the help of the Holy Spirits and Jimmy Swaggart’s Expositors Bible, he as well would give credit to those owning it, Holy Spirit. We’ve presented unto you four specific conversations Jesus directly had with people, each explaining a new life, a good death and an outreach to the masses, with him as Savior of all people.  Soon the world is going to know, how this bedazzling system had controlled them so, it is the blindness of their eyes, the deafness of their ears, the hardness of their hearts, the veil, that simply refuse to be expelled.

     So they can't see, hear, nor accept a Holy God, just as was said of my second husband Melvin, it’s being said of you, by the Great Whore, that your knees broke, are of no use, meaning you’re cursed and damned to hell, that regarding your soul, Christ’s Cross has failed. So if you totally disagree with her, get to a place in your heart, explain to God you're sorry, then get to a place of prayer, your hands, your knees, your closet. There ask Jesus into your heart, only through him have all powers that’s to labor against you been resolved, having put ye on the Whole Armor of God, remember, Die Only In Christ, AWAKE, Apb, The RAM     

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